Atomikos Forum

Does Atomikos support Last Resource Commit?

As I see in default82df.html?community.6.250.5 posted at 2008 Atomikos did not guarantee the order in which AtomikosNonXADataSourceBean connection would be committed, which does not match the concept of LRC.

There is a clue telling "We could go about tuning it in a future release".

So I wonder, is LRC is supported now? For situation when exactly one non-XA connection participate in a transaction with other XA-compatible resources.
Eugene Sapozhnikov Send private email
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
The suggested changes are for a future release. They require quite some preparatory features to be done first, and some internal refactoring after that.
Guy Pardon Send private email
Saturday, September 21, 2013

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