Atomikos Forum

Atomikos and MS-Sql Server

I'm trying out Atomikos transactions essentials as a JTA implementation, to be used with Hibernate JMS and EHCache.
I've followed your "Tomcat 6 Integration with Atomikos 3.3+" tutorial and am having problems with MS-Sql server working with it. I was hoping someone has encountered this problem. The only changes I made, with respect to MS-SQL, were to copy microsoft's driver(sqljdbc4.jar) into TOMCAT_HOME/lib and to change the Resource element in the context.xml to:
<Resource name="jdbc/myDB" auth="Container" type="com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosDataSourceBean"
When I start up the demo application I see an __ Exception in the apache tomcat console (full exception stack: ).
I have gone over these tutorials but I have not been able to get passed this exception.
Is there anyone who was successfull with using Atomikos on a MS-SQL Server?
I'd appreciate any help granted and if you need any info I'll be happy to provide it.
Also I don't know if this is relevant but the Server is WIN-XP SP3 (I'm saying this because one of the tutorials speaks of a problem with win-xp when in actuality it's about win-xp sp2 and under).
Itai Cohen Send private email
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Guy Pardon Send private email
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

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