Atomikos Forum

Next version of Atomikos Transaction Essentials.

Hi, folks!

Recently I talked to Guy Pardon about adding proper exception chaining to the exceptions thrown by the Atomikos' JTA API implementation. For instance, now javax.transaction.RollbackException does NOT contact the causative exception reference, making many operations dependent on knowing the root cause impossible.

1) When will this be fixed (date)?

2) What version of Atomikos Essentials will it be?

Thank you for your reply! I look forward to using your product for my application if I can get proper exception chaining.
Anton Golovin Send private email
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The next community release will be our 3.7.0.M2 release, due next week. It includes your suggested improvements.

It's an experiment, because it will involve our new maven/hg/nexus setup so I can't promise a hard date. But next week for sure, if not earlier.

Thanks for your understanding...
Guy Pardon Send private email
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
1) This being a milestone release, would I be able to use it in production?

2) When would be next production release?

3) Do you think releasing a patch with this fix for the version I am using (3.6.5) would be possible, or is that something one has to pay for?
Anton Golovin Send private email
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our milestone releases have undergone all regression tests just like any other release. However, to limit the amount of branches we don't offer production support for those. They are 'intermediate' releases between two stable ones.

Also see

The difference between milestone releases and regular, stable releases is only relevant to support customers IMHO (correct me if I am wrong)?

If production support is important to you then I recommend considering subscribing. Then you get instant access to all fixes on all versions we support. We eventually port fixes to the community too, but just not as often/early as we do for subscribers... I guess this is pretty common in professional open source.

Does this policy cause problems in your case?

Guy Pardon Send private email
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Guy, just to understand:

1) Your milestone is as stable as a release, but one cannot buy support for it; it's an intermediate step between releases to keep complexity under control.

2) This milestone release of Atomikos TransactionEssentials will include exception chaining.

Am I correct?

Thank you for all your time.
Anton Golovin Send private email
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Guy Pardon Send private email
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Hi, Guy, is it out yet? :)))

Would you be so kind to email me or post a post here when it is out?
Anton Golovin Send private email
Friday, October 01, 2010
Not out yet, we had lots of conflicts when merging from the SVN trunk to the new hg trunk (where we want to build the new release). Trying to get it done by Wednesday Oct 6...

BTW: you can follow us on twitter to get updates: @atomikos (company) or @guypardon (my personal ventilation channel;-)

Guy Pardon Send private email
Saturday, October 02, 2010

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