Atomikos Forum

Errors in TransactionContext State Transitions

Version: 4.0.0M4
There's a bug in transactionContext state transitions.
In a transaction:
1.getConnection  -> NotInBranch some createStatement method -> BranchEnlisted
3.close()  BranchEnded
4.getConnection again, because recycle a connection, A state from BranchEnded to NotInBranch (this is not included in the state diagram)
5.close() from NotInBranch to Terminated
6.getConnection again, because the state is Terminated, recycle not work, a new connection returnned. some createStatement, when enlist(), the transaction is in LOCALLY_DONE state, but the connection is a new connection and havn't seen this transaction, now it is call start(TMJOIN) on a XAResource that not known the xid, this will thrown a exception.
chunlinyao Send private email
Friday, February 12, 2016
Thank you very much! We'll check this for the 4.0.0M6 release...

Best regards,
Guy Pardon Send private email
Sunday, February 14, 2016

We tested until step 5, and in our test the state is not TERMINATED. Does this problem still exist in 4.0.3?

Guy Pardon Send private email
Thursday, May 26, 2016

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