Atomikos Forum |
I have the following issue. I have a dao library using the atomikos JTA transaction manager. Also I have a web project that includes that dao library. And although the tomcat lib folder includes all the required atomikos libraries, I still need to include the atomikos dependency (maven) with scope compile on the library (such that it is packaged along, or at least Eclipse knows it has to be packaged along). If the library is not packaged along I get Class not found exceptions when deploying under eclipse/STS.
Since the Atomikos libraries are only required for development environments, I don't want these libraries to have scope compile (or runtime). How can I change my tomcat eclipse setup such that I can set my atomikos dependencies with scope provided in my dao library. What I've did so far: Add hibernate 3.2.6.GA to my tomcat lib folder next to atomikos libraries. In eclipse set my targeted runtime to Tomcat (now showing the tomcat libraries in my package explorer). Set all atomikos libraries as a provided dependency in my maven configuration. This setup results in: Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not instantiate TransactionManagerLookup 'com.atomikos.icatch.jta.hibernate3.TransactionManagerLookup' |