Can i get access to the atomikos source? I thought it was "open source"?
brian relph
Friday, December 11, 2009
The sources are in the folder "sources" in the download.
Guy Pardon
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Can you publish the source and javadoc to the maven repo? It makes it easier to locate and integrate into eclipse
brian relph
Friday, December 18, 2009
The java sources will be part of our maven distribution as of release 3.6. The javadoc is more interesting - care to explain how (we don't use maven so we are no experts).
Guy Pardon
Monday, December 21, 2009
Because the maven integration in most IDEs out there will try to download the javadoc to link the documentation to the code. Note that if you publish the source, it should work as well since the IDE will always prefer the source over the javadoc.
That being said, a "clean" deployment should have binary, source and javadoc. If you're not deploying/releasing with Maven, make sure to use the proper naming.