Atomikos Forum

JMS Connection with password

I've seen a few threads asking about connecting to a JMS server with a username / password.  default82df.html?community.6.2512.2 for instance. 

When I look at the source for AtomikosConnectionFactoryBean#createConnection(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) I notice that it ignores the username/password and just calls AtomikosConnectionFactoryBean#createConnection().  But our server requires a username / password.  How difficult would it be to implement the method that takes the username/password and uses that for the connection?

And maybe until the AtomikosConnectionFactoryBean#createConnection(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) is implemented, it should throw a UnsupportedOperationException.  It took a little digging to try and figure out why the username / password wasn't working.  The Exception might help make things clearer.
Steve Krall Send private email
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

We did not implement this yet because we are not clear how recovery would work: recovered XA connections do not allow a user/password so it would depend on how the underlying JMS broker recovers transactions started with a specific user and password.

Any ideas?

Guy Pardon Send private email
Friday, January 30, 2015

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