Atomikos Forum

Using UserTransactionImp and UserTransactionManager in Spring

Spring 4.1.6.RELEASE
Hibernate 5.0.2.Final
Tomcat 8
Java 8

Is it valid to use both UserTransactionImp and UserTransactionManager instead of the J2ee* counterparts in a Spring application which is running on Tomcat 8. All resources (transaction manager, userTransactionService) are configured in spring.

We are using JPA (Hibernate) therefore we extended AbstractJtaPlatform (using in the entity manager factory as hibernate.transaction.jta.platform) to return the transactionmanager and usertransaction from the spring context.
Desert Send private email
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

That should be OK, assuming that your (web) application context is supposed to startup the transaction manager.

For seamless Tomat integration, we do recommend our commercial Tomcat module (part of a support subscription).

Guy Pardon Send private email
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

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