Atomikos Forum

Atomikos and Hibernate 3 with AtomikosJTATransactionFactory

Hibernate 3.2.6ga to be exact.

In the wiki it says that to use hibernate you should use the Atomikos transaction factory:


instead of


However, when I try this with Hibernate 3.2.6 I get a null pointer exception because the Atomikos class doesn't delegate the configure() method to the hibernate class. Therefore the hibernate Factory class isn't properly intitialized resulting in the NullPointerException. My solution was to add super.configure() to the Atomikos class. Now it works as advertised.

I'm not sure when this broke, but you should catch the code up with the wiki or modify the wiki (should I be using the hibernate class instead?) to match the code.
Les Walker Send private email
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We did have a known issue with Hibernate 3.2.6 but it seems like you found a solution... We'll add this fix to our next release.
Guy Pardon Send private email
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thanks Guy.

-- Les Walker
Les Walker Send private email
Thursday, June 18, 2009

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