Atomikos Forum

Lots of Atomikos Transactions with State:HEURISTIC HAZARD

Atomikos version(Transaction-Essentials jar) :3.4.3
While looking at the pending transactions via JMX (JmxTransactionService), i see a lot of transactions that say:
Committed: false
Heuristic Messages:XA: <db-schema> Xid: x.x.x.x.tm237782550710x.x.x.xtm176198 ReadOnlyParticipant
XA: <db-schema> Xid: x.x.x.x.tm237782550710x.x.x.xtm173232

Questions that i had were:
1) Why do these exist?
2) Do they affect performance of the system? (com.atomikos.icatch.max_actives is set to -1)
3) How can i identify which part of the code causes them?

Amar Phadke Send private email
Monday, April 26, 2010

This is most likely a connectivity problem of some sort. You should try with the latest 3.6.5; if that doesn't help then please consider buying 'developer access' via our site.

Guy Pardon Send private email
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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