Atomikos Forum

How to use ActiveMQ JMS blobMessage  through Atomikos?


I am using Atomikos for distributed Transactions (Oracle and JMS). I am trying to use the blobMessage feature of ActiveMQ to send large messages over JMS, using a Spring configured JmsTemplate that uses an AtomikosConnectionFactoryBean itself using an ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory. In order to use the blobMessage from ActiveMq, I'd need to access the ActiveMQSession, but this is not possible through the AtomikosJmsXASessionProxy...
This is the kind of code I would need to work, but this of course gives me a classCastException as the Atomikos proxy cannot be cast to activeMq:

jmsTemplate.send(destination, new MessageCreator() {

                            public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
                                ActiveMQXASession activeSession = ((ActiveMQXASession)session).createBlobMessage(file);

Is this something possible with Atomikos? Any ideas how I might still use a blob channel with XA Jms?


Maxime Belanger Send private email
Thursday, August 02, 2012

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