Atomikos Forum |
I saw in your changelog that you'll make an example for atomikos-osgi in the release 3.9. I already have one (a simple helloworld made with PAX. It's free and available here: In order to compile, you juste need to have maven 3 and run: mvn clean install -DskipTests=true (integration tests are not stable for now). then, in order to launch run: mvn pax:provision -Dframework=equinox (or -Dframework=felix) and point your browser to http://localhost:8080/ You'll be able to say hello with web services. You can désactivate ws client module to run it without ws. Regards, Atomikos is a great job Charlie (tcharl on twitter, on gtalk)
you've done a great job too. Your work helps me to add major improvement in the Atomikos OSGi bundle. Thanks for the pointer, I will check and see what's can be included in the Atomikos distro as a sample. Best regards
Hi Martin,
Sorry for the late response, my LDAP server was down and I couldn't make my jobs visibles from Jenkins. The Online version does'nt work anymore 'cause I'm working on jpa 2.0 with eclipselink, it will be working in the near future (feel free to contribute if you want (mail me at The new link is, it possible that the old version work at, but I'm not sure. Regards, Charlie |