Atomikos Forum

Need example for Spring/Atomikos/JPA/Hibernate recent example...

We are using:

Spring 3.1.2
Atomikos 3.8
Hibernate 4.1.9
JPA 2.0

We think we configured everything correctly, however, we are getting an issue where flush() is not being called at the end of the transaction.

I found the following solution:
<entry key="javax.persistence.transactionType" value="jta"/>
<entry key="hibernate.transaction.factory_class" value="org.hibernate.ejb.transaction.JoinableCMTTransactionFactory"/>

However, JoinableCMTTransactionFactory is no longer a class in hibernate 4.1.9.

Does anyone have a solution for the current set of these libraries or can post a working example (that also automatically calls flush() at the end of the tx)?

Alex Paransky Send private email
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Dont use a factory a all. Its not needed with Container Managed Transactions.
Torsten Krah Send private email
Thursday, January 31, 2013
There is an excellent example configured in Java only (no XML) written by Josh Long on the SpringSource Blog. You might find it useful.
Andy Glick Send private email
Friday, February 08, 2013
is there an XML Version?

I go crazy to find a simple exampple in the internet how to configure it the right way.
Rene S. Send private email
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

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