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I have the problem with JTA transactions which consist of two datasources: JMS Fiorano and JDBC Oracle. If everything is good, JTA transactions works well, but if I try to simulate VM crash and rollback some work, some JMS messages are lost. Product configuration: - AtomikosEssentials 3.5.9 - FioranoMQ 9.1.0 - Oracle 10g Spring configurations: <bean id="MessageDrivenContainer" name="MessageDrivenContainer" class="com.atomikos.jms.extra.MessageDrivenContainer" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop"> <property name="atomikosConnectionFactoryBean" ref="ConnectionFactory" /> <property name="destination" ref="inboundQueue" /> <property name="poolSize" value="1" /> <property name="messageListener" ref="MessageListener" /> </bean> <bean id="ConnectionFactory" class="com.atomikos.jms.AtomikosConnectionFactoryBean" init-method="init" destroy-method="close"> <property name="uniqueResourceName"> <value>fiorano_jms</value> </property> <property name="xaConnectionFactory"> <ref bean="xaFactory" /> </property> <property name="poolSize" value="1" /> </bean> <bean id="jdbcDataSource" class="com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosDataSourceBean" init-method="init" destroy-method="close"> <property name="uniqueResourceName"> <value>oracle_db</value> </property> <property name="xaDataSourceClassName"> <value>oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource</value> </property> <property name="xaProperties"> <props> <prop key="URL">jdbc:oracle:thin:@</prop> <prop key="user">xxx</prop> <prop key="password">xxx</prop> </props> </property> </bean> <bean id="DAO" name="DAO" class="sk.posam.xatest.consumer.DAO"> <property name="dataSource" ref="jdbcDataSource"></property> </bean> <bean id="MessageListener" class="sk.posam.xatest.consumer.TextOutputMessageListener"> <property name="dao" ref="DAO"></property> </bean> My listener: public void onMessage(Message message) { if (message instanceof TextMessage) { try { TextMessage textMsg = (TextMessage) message; String text = textMsg.getText(); System.out.println(" Received message:" + text); dao.insertMessage(text); } catch (JMSException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } Also my TM config: com.atomikos.icatch.service=com.atomikos.icatch.standalone.UserTransactionServiceFactory com.atomikos.icatch.force_shutdown_on_vm_exit= false com.atomikos.icatch.max_actives = -1 com.atomikos.icatch.console_file_name = tm.out com.atomikos.icatch.log_base_name = tmlog com.atomikos.icatch.tm_unique_name = mirkovTM com.atomikos.icatch.console_log_level = DEBUG So everything is working fine, but if I am simulating error that I stop VM (inside which this application is running with Atomikos) some messages are lost. My use case scenario: I am putting one message to the queue which is received by my listener and then insert that message to the DB. I am simulating DB error so JTA transaction has to be rolled back and message has to be in the queue. But if I shut down VM, in some cases there is message in the queue, but in some cases there is no message in the queue, what is wrong and not acceptable by XA definiton. Thank you for your help in advance.
If I restarted the application there is no message received, it is lost.
How long does it take to recover and how do I found out that it was the heuristic case? I see no message about it in logs. Also, if I debug mesagelistener code of MessageDrivenContainer and if I pause application in onMessage method, there is no message in the queue in the Fiorano console, but I read that the message can be away from queue if there is commit or rollback, not in the middle of transaction execution. So why there is no message? Thank you for your reply.
Not sure about the answer, but I guess this is product support - which can be purchased through the Atomikos website at Thanks |