Atomikos Forum

Put Websphere datasource into atomikos


I have a websphere 7 instance running with a configured XADatasource. I also use Spring and Atomikos. However I haven't find an example where you can put a datasource fetched via JNDI to an atomikosaware proxy.
I tried with setting my fetched datasource to the atomikosdatasourcebean but the websphere lookup returns a datasource object and not a xadatasource which is expected by the atomikos bean.

Does anyone has an example on how to proxy a fetched JNDI datasource into an atomikos one?


Kristof Devos Send private email
Friday, March 02, 2012
the actual question is can you use datasources configures on the application server and can these be embedded in a atomikos aware proxy?


Kristof Devos Send private email
Friday, March 02, 2012
If you did configure a XADataSource - Websphere should return a XADataSource than, not a DataSource one.
So i would fix this Websphere problem and than you can use the AtomikosDSBean and use the XADataSource reference.
Torsten Krah Send private email
Friday, March 02, 2012

I am facing a similar issue. wer u able to solve this?
Please post your solution or alternate used.
Anirudh Rathi Send private email
Tuesday, May 08, 2012

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