Atomikos Forum

Sources for Atomikos

Hi guys,

I am trying to download sources for Atomikos. I have searched side and Maven repository and the only reference I was able to find is svn link svn:// which does not seem to be working.

Are Atomikos sources still available?

Thank you for your help
Petr Lazecky Send private email
Friday, July 04, 2014
Our source code is included in every maven repository we are available in.

Guy Pardon Send private email
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Thank you.

I have been looking into Maven Repository linked to Atomikos web site though web browser as I do not have my development environment available with me. This gives option to download JAR files with binaries but no sources - is typical example.

Searching Maven repositories though central search ( reveals source JAR files also.

Thank you for hint.
Petr Lazecky Send private email
Saturday, July 05, 2014

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