Atomikos Forum

Could you fix the code that causes an ActiveMQ stacktrace?

The class AtomikosJmsConnectionProxy contains a method  forceConnectionIntoXaMode which contains code that you apparently added in response to an Oracle AQ issue, but the logic that you added causes ActiveMQ to throw an exception and the stack trace winds up in the log.

I do recognize that you have recommended that we ignore the error, but it seems problematic to ignore stack traces, and it should be possible to determine if the JMS Connection object is an Oracle JMS Connection, and only create the Connection and immediately call rollback on it if it is.

Using the source code that is available in the Central Maven repo in transactions-jms-3.8.0-sources.jar, I was able to create a copy of the transactions-jms-3.8.0 jar in which I commented out the call to forceConnectionIntoXaMode as I am not using, nor do I expect to use Oracle AQ. That removed the exception and the stack trace.

Had I been able to conveniently locate a copy of the Oracle AQ jar, I would have created a more permanent fix that I could donate back to you.

If you could help me locate a copy of the jar, I would be happy to donate a patch.
Andy Glick Send private email
Monday, August 20, 2012
Noted, we'll try to fix this in the next release we put out...

Guy Pardon Send private email
Monday, November 05, 2012
Guy, thanks for the positive feedback. I appreciate it.
Andy Glick Send private email
Sunday, November 25, 2012

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