Atomikos Forum

Log are not readable


i'm working on a batch (with spring-batch) which was coded by an ex-coworker.
I discovered Atomikos by finding it in the code, so i'm totally new at it.

JTA properties are set in Java code, and it seems to work just fine (directory & file name are OK).

My main (and only) problem is that all the logging is not readable (i use notepad++).
Transaction log and Console log are alike : full of unreadable character..

I'm using com.atomikos.transactions-jdbc in version          3.9.3 and logback is used in the batch.

Log are fine in the logback file, but not in transaction & console file.

At this point, i don't know if it make sense to have both logger (logback + transaction log) ?
Do i have the same info in both or Transaction Log give extra info ?

If you have any suggestion i would appreciate.
Julien Mengelle Send private email
Monday, June 01, 2015

The transaction logfile (suffix: .log) is binary data for recovery, not meant to be read by humans at this point.

Other than that, I don't understand why the "console" data would be different from logback file contents. Can you post a few concrete file names?

Guy Pardon Send private email
Monday, June 01, 2015
Hi Guy Pardon,

Thank you for your response.

I have disabled the transaction & console log, and now i have only logback, which seems fine to me.

Beside my logback file, before i disabled it, i got 3 others files :


My guess is that none of those file are "console" log, but since i have my logback log file, i should have all i need.

Thank you.
Julien Mengelle Send private email
Wednesday, June 03, 2015
You definitely need the .epoch and .log file or you are not doing recovery.

Guy Pardon Send private email
Wednesday, June 03, 2015
The recovery is only need when some big crash occur right ?
But, how does the recovery work (i mean : how i use it) ?

i don't know, and nobody at my work know Atomikos.
So i think we will just not doing any recovery.

The data will not be lost since we use this to copy data from a database to another place for archive purpose.
Julien Mengelle Send private email
Thursday, June 04, 2015

If you are transferring data then you probably need recovery unless you don't want the archiving to receive all data.

I don't want to abuse the forums for commercial talk but if you don't have anybody in-house who can help then you can always consider a commercial support subscription to get your situation sorted out...

Guy Pardon Send private email
Thursday, June 04, 2015

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