Atomikos Forum

Guy Pardon - is atomikos doing the right thing?

You can see in this trace that atomikos repeatedly logs to the console that is it doing the same thing repeatedly, but I only click on a link once, so it should do that only once:

[INFO] atomikos - createCompositeTransaction ( 300000 ): created new ROOT transa
ction with id com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0051900114
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Using this JPAQL query: select js2jsemail from JS2
JSEmail js2jsemail where = '2' order by id desc
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - I am here.
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@26
330f ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0051900114
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@6a
167d6f ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0051900114
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': getConnection ( null )...
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': init...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
Hibernate: select as id19_, js2jsemail0_.body as body19_, js2jse
mail0_.date_created as date4_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_read as is5_19_, js2jsemail0_.
sender_name as sender6_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_sent as is7_19_, js2jsemail0_.subjec
t as subject19_, js2jsemail0_.version as version19_, js2jsemail0_.js_receiver as
 js10_19_, js2jsemail0_.js_sender as js11_19_ from common_email js2jsemail0_ whe
re js2jsemail0_.email_type=1 and js2jsemail0_.js_receiver='2' order by js2jsemai desc limit ? offset ?
[INFO] atomikos - addParticipant ( XAResourceTransaction: 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F
37072696E672E6A6462632E746D353139 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.start ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A6
2E746D353139 , XAResource.TMNOFLAGS ) on resource postgres represented by XAReso
urce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosConnection
Proxy$JdbcRequeueSynchronization@84bada4c ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling prepareSta
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: isClosed()...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling getWarning
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling clearWarni
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: close()...
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.end ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A646
746D353139 , XAResource.TMSUCCESS ) on resource postgres represented by XAResour
ce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceDAOImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] atomikos - commit() done (by application) of transaction com.atomikos.spr
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.prepare ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6
632E746D353139 ) returning OK on resource postgres represented by XAResource ins
tance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.commit ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A
32E746D353139 , false ) on resource postgres represented by XAResource instance
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl$1@262dc822
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.transaction.CacheSynchronization
[INFO] ActionSupport - Found: 20 js2js retrieved emails in this batch.
[INFO] atomikos - createCompositeTransaction ( 300000 ): created new ROOT transa
ction with id com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052000114
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Using this JPAQL query: select js2jsemail from JS2
JSEmail js2jsemail where = '2' order by id desc
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - I am here.
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@82
915d9 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052000114
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@52
198676 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052000114
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': getConnection ( null )...
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': init...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
Hibernate: select as id19_, js2jsemail0_.body as body19_, js2jse
mail0_.date_created as date4_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_read as is5_19_, js2jsemail0_.
sender_name as sender6_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_sent as is7_19_, js2jsemail0_.subjec
t as subject19_, js2jsemail0_.version as version19_, js2jsemail0_.js_receiver as
 js10_19_, js2jsemail0_.js_sender as js11_19_ from common_email js2jsemail0_ whe
re js2jsemail0_.email_type=1 and js2jsemail0_.js_receiver='2' order by js2jsemai desc limit ? offset ?
[INFO] atomikos - addParticipant ( XAResourceTransaction: 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F
37072696E672E6A6462632E746D353230 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.start ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A6
2E746D353230 , XAResource.TMNOFLAGS ) on resource postgres represented by XAReso
urce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosConnection
Proxy$JdbcRequeueSynchronization@aa4577f6 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling prepareSta
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: isClosed()...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling getWarning
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling clearWarni
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: close()...
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.end ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A646
746D353230 , XAResource.TMSUCCESS ) on resource postgres represented by XAResour
ce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceDAOImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] atomikos - commit() done (by application) of transaction com.atomikos.spr
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.prepare ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6
632E746D353230 ) returning OK on resource postgres represented by XAResource ins
tance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.commit ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A
32E746D353230 , false ) on resource postgres represented by XAResource instance
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl$1@27d2256d
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.transaction.CacheSynchronization
[INFO] ActionSupport - Found: 20 js2js retrieved emails in this batch.
[INFO] atomikos - createCompositeTransaction ( 300000 ): created new ROOT transa
ction with id com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052100114
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Using this JPAQL query: select js2jsemail from JS2
JSEmail js2jsemail where = '2' order by id desc
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - I am here.
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@1c
8fcbc9 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052100114
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@65
522941 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052100114
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': getConnection ( null )...
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': init...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
Hibernate: select as id19_, js2jsemail0_.body as body19_, js2jse
mail0_.date_created as date4_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_read as is5_19_, js2jsemail0_.
sender_name as sender6_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_sent as is7_19_, js2jsemail0_.subjec
t as subject19_, js2jsemail0_.version as version19_, js2jsemail0_.js_receiver as
 js10_19_, js2jsemail0_.js_sender as js11_19_ from common_email js2jsemail0_ whe
re js2jsemail0_.email_type=1 and js2jsemail0_.js_receiver='2' order by js2jsemai desc limit ? offset ?
[INFO] atomikos - addParticipant ( XAResourceTransaction: 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F
37072696E672E6A6462632E746D353231 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.start ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A6
2E746D353231 , XAResource.TMNOFLAGS ) on resource postgres represented by XAReso
urce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosConnection
Proxy$JdbcRequeueSynchronization@abfa5095 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling prepareSta
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: isClosed()...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling getWarning
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling clearWarni
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: close()...
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.end ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A646
746D353231 , XAResource.TMSUCCESS ) on resource postgres represented by XAResour
ce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceDAOImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] atomikos - commit() done (by application) of transaction com.atomikos.spr
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.prepare ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6
632E746D353231 ) returning OK on resource postgres represented by XAResource ins
tance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.commit ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A
32E746D353231 , false ) on resource postgres represented by XAResource instance
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl$1@79579600
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.transaction.CacheSynchronization
[INFO] ActionSupport - Found: 20 js2js retrieved emails in this batch.
[INFO] atomikos - createCompositeTransaction ( 300000 ): created new ROOT transa
ction with id com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052200114
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Using this JPAQL query: select js2jsemail from JS2
JSEmail js2jsemail where = '2' order by id desc
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - I am here.
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@31
59d52e ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052200114
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@6a
cfefdd ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052200114
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': getConnection ( null )...
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': init...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
Hibernate: select as id19_, js2jsemail0_.body as body19_, js2jse
mail0_.date_created as date4_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_read as is5_19_, js2jsemail0_.
sender_name as sender6_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_sent as is7_19_, js2jsemail0_.subjec
t as subject19_, js2jsemail0_.version as version19_, js2jsemail0_.js_receiver as
 js10_19_, js2jsemail0_.js_sender as js11_19_ from common_email js2jsemail0_ whe
re js2jsemail0_.email_type=1 and js2jsemail0_.js_receiver='2' order by js2jsemai desc limit ? offset ?
[INFO] atomikos - addParticipant ( XAResourceTransaction: 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F
37072696E672E6A6462632E746D353232 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.start ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A6
2E746D353232 , XAResource.TMNOFLAGS ) on resource postgres represented by XAReso
urce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosConnection
Proxy$JdbcRequeueSynchronization@adaf2934 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling prepareSta
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: isClosed()...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling getWarning
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling clearWarni
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: close()...
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.end ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A646
746D353232 , XAResource.TMSUCCESS ) on resource postgres represented by XAResour
ce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceDAOImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] atomikos - commit() done (by application) of transaction com.atomikos.spr
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.prepare ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6
632E746D353232 ) returning OK on resource postgres represented by XAResource ins
tance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.commit ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A
32E746D353232 , false ) on resource postgres represented by XAResource instance
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.transaction.CacheSynchronization
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl$1@776f67c3
[INFO] ActionSupport - Found: 20 js2js retrieved emails in this batch.
[INFO] atomikos - createCompositeTransaction ( 300000 ): created new ROOT transa
ction with id com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052300114
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Using this JPAQL query: select js2jsemail from JS2
JSEmail js2jsemail where = '2' order by id desc
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - I am here.
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@31
b3a906 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052300114
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.icatch.jta.Sync2Sync@2f
fb1f08 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0052300114
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': getConnection ( null )...
[INFO] atomikos - AtomikosDataSoureBean 'postgres': init...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling toString..
Hibernate: select as id19_, js2jsemail0_.body as body19_, js2jse
mail0_.date_created as date4_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_read as is5_19_, js2jsemail0_.
sender_name as sender6_19_, js2jsemail0_.is_sent as is7_19_, js2jsemail0_.subjec
t as subject19_, js2jsemail0_.version as version19_, js2jsemail0_.js_receiver as
 js10_19_, js2jsemail0_.js_sender as js11_19_ from common_email js2jsemail0_ whe
re js2jsemail0_.email_type=1 and js2jsemail0_.js_receiver='2' order by js2jsemai desc limit ? offset ?
[INFO] atomikos - addParticipant ( XAResourceTransaction: 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F
37072696E672E6A6462632E746D353233 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.jdbc.tm0
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.start ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A6
2E746D353233 , XAResource.TMNOFLAGS ) on resource postgres represented by XAReso
urce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - registerSynchronization ( com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosConnection
Proxy$JdbcRequeueSynchronization@af6401d3 ) for transaction com.atomikos.spring.
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling prepareSta
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: isClosed()...
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling getWarning
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: calling clearWarni
[INFO] atomikos - atomikos connection proxy for Pooled connection wrapping physi
cal connection org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection@2c9fac35: close()...
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.end ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A646
746D353233 , XAResource.TMSUCCESS ) on resource postgres represented by XAResour
ce instance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] TaskTideJPAQueryHelper - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceDAOImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] JobSeekerServiceImpl - Found this: 20
[INFO] atomikos - commit() done (by application) of transaction com.atomikos.spr
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.prepare ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6
632E746D353233 ) returning OK on resource postgres represented by XAResource ins
tance org.postgresql.xa.PGXAConnection@683a3e1b
[INFO] atomikos - XAResource.commit ( 636F6D2E61746F6D696B6F732E737072696E672E6A
32E746D353233 , false ) on resource postgres represented by XAResource instance
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl$1@300a408b
[INFO] atomikos - afterCompletion ( STATUS_COMMITTED ) called  on Synchronizatio
n: org.hibernate.transaction.CacheSynchronization
[INFO] ActionSupport - Found: 20 js2js retrieved emails in this batch.
Anton Golovin Send private email
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Whatever your code does, it creates multiple transactions.
Guy Pardon Send private email
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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