Atomikos Forum

Performance concerns over FileDescriptor.sync seen in jProfiler

I want MySql Replication. (writes on master, reads on slave)

In order to get MySql replication driver to hit the slave, the connection must be ReadOnly.

In order to get the connection readonly since I use Spring, i must use a TransactionManager and set the Transaction to readonly.

So I randomly picked Atomikos. Because it's free.

Here's my code:

I just want readonly connections!

Apparently it wasn't enough, I had to create a wrapped thing, because Atomikos doesn't cascade readonly to the connection (my entire point...)

Here's the concern:

Apparently there's a large CPU bottleneck caused by using Atomikos, that is waiting for the disk.

Please help!
Michael Smyers Send private email
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I am unable to modify my request, so here's the missing screenshot:
Michael Smyers Send private email
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
It appears that i missed the (defaults to true) setting:


I set this to false, and am investigating the performance ramifications.
Michael Smyers Send private email
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Disabling the logging should help indeed.

Guy Pardon Send private email
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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