Atomikos Forum

It would be nice if Atomikos classes implemented Wrapper

For better compatibility with Java 6 it would be nice if Atomikos jdbc interfaces implemented the new Wrapper interface.  Doing so shouldn't break backwards compatibility but would provide forward compatibility for apps that wish to use those the new Java 6 features.

I don't know what else is new in the Java 6 connection interfaces but Wrapper is the one I wish I had at the moment. :)

Mike Youngstrom Send private email
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thanks! We actually have this planned in our backlog, currently it's at position 99.

The problem with this is that it breaks 1.4 and even 1.5 compatibility; unless we've missed something (feel free to tell me)?

Guy Pardon Send private email
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I'm not looking for full 1.6 support within Atomikos' internals.  I'm just looking for support for 1.6 methods in Atomikos' pooling apis.

I took a look at the 1.6 changes and the only changes that impact Atomikos' pooling was the addition of the Wrapper Interface to DataSource and Connection.

I'm mostly needing Wrapper implemented in AbstractDataSourceBean so I can use the Wrapper methods to help implement some non Atomikos specific DataSource wrappers of my own.  I don't believe implementing the Wrapper methods in AbstractDataSourceBean will impact backwards compatibility.

ConnectionProxy already takes care of the Wrapper methods on Connection good enough for my needs anyway.

What do you think?

Mike Youngstrom Send private email
Friday, January 29, 2010

The Wrapper methods to add use generics on their argument types. This does not compile in a compatible way to JDK 1.4, meaning that compatibility would be broken.

Conclusion: adding these would break Java 1.4 compatibility. So this is a major decision for us to take, and to be considered carefully.

Guy Pardon Send private email
Saturday, January 30, 2010
You're right, I forgot about Generics.  The only way I can think of to get around that one would be to provide a special Java 5/6 DataSourceBean.  That's probably not worth the uglying of the api it unless you're planning to keep 1.4 compatibility for many more years to come.  In which case it might be worth adding sooner than later.  Anyway, thanks for hearing my request.

Mike Youngstrom Send private email
Saturday, January 30, 2010

You're right, this would require a separate module for JDBC 4 that requires JDK 1.5 or higher.

It is probably easier to drop the JDK 1.4 compatibility at some point. It might be interesting to do a poll on this...

Guy Pardon Send private email
Monday, February 01, 2010

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